sábado, 13 de agosto de 2022

linen cloth

This fragment in linen cloth, which dates from the Roman Period, is the upper part of a large shroud representing the god Osiris mummiform. The oval face has two black eyes elongated by a cosmetic line and a large nose. On the cheeks two bandages descend which serve to fix the false beard. The body is wrapped in an envelope of netting in dark red and decorated black and blue. The god, who is dressed in the atef-crown, wears a wesekh-collar and a pectoral in the form of a naos. The face of Osiris is framed by two kneeling mourners; they are probably a representation of Isis and Nephthys. The shroud is also decorated with djed-pillars and small papyrus columns. This type of shroud, of which the iconography is certainly of pharaonic tradition, is rather rare.
Inventory number E.5699
M. Rassart-Debergh (Éd.), Arts tardifs et chrétiens d'Égypte (Exposition Louvain-la-Neuve ), Le Monde Copte 14-15 (1988) 34 nº 44
Égyptiennes. Étoffes coptes du Nil (Exposition), Mariemont 1997, 134 nº 3


martes, 14 de junio de 2022

painted material

This piece of painted material, which probably dates from the Greaco-Roman Period, represents an ibis, sacred animal of the god Thoth, wearing a lunar disk. The beak, the head, the outline of the body and the legs are painted in black; the feathers are white. The picture has a blue black frame.
Inventory number E.5114
Van dieren en mensen. Getuigenissen uit Prehistorie en Oudheid - Des animaux et des hommes. Témoignages de la Préhistoire et de l'Antiquité (Exposition), Bruxelles 1988, 178 nº 178
La tierra del toro apis. Dioses, Reyes y Hombres del Egipto Faraonica (Exposition), Pamplona 1997, 100


lunes, 2 de mayo de 2022

Conjunto de vendas de lino

Conjunto de vendas de lino, conservadas en la Biblioteca Museo Víctor Balaguer
Grupo de vendas que se usaban para cubrir momias egípcias, formado por cinco paquetes de tiras de lino, de diferentes entramados.
public domain/wiki



jueves, 14 de abril de 2022


W.M. van Haarlem, CAA Allard Pierson Museum, Fasc. IV, 1997, 43-44
Inventory number APM 8648


jueves, 24 de marzo de 2022

Vestido Tarkhan

 Vestido Tarkhan

El vestido Tarkhan, nombrado por el cementerio Tarkhan al sur de El Cairo en Egipto donde fue descubierto en 1913, es un vestido de lino que con sus 5000 años de antigüedad es la prenda de ropa femenina más antigua conservada.

Museo Petrie



jueves, 3 de febrero de 2022

A bag of white linen, unopened


A bag of white linen, unopened. Contains rolls of linen only. Foundation deposit, Heb Sed Chapel at Lahun, Fayum, Egypt. 12th Dynasty. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London. With thanks to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL.

public domain